Oh My Goodness – what excitement today! Today, I am the proud recipient of a ‘Versatile Blog Award’! Being so new to the world of Blogging, and being currently taken up with three children under the age of 10, and a seemingly ENDLESS school holiday, I must confess that I’ve been rather absent from my computer.
Although the Summer holidays are always crazily fun, I have been having Blog withdrawal symptoms and have been itching to get back to my quiet contemplative moments where I can share my ideas and thoughts as well as read the wonderful journals from so many creative people and fellow Bloggers. The whole process is so enjoyable, so imagine my delight and suprise when I found that the fabulous Nicola from the inspiring September Cottage and September Kitchen had recommended me for this award! Thank you SO much Nicola – it’s huge praise indeed particularly from someone whose own blogs are so exquisitely crafted and beautiful to look at and read – I am chuffed to bits!
As a condition of the award, I have to give seven likes or dislikes, so here are my answers…
1) I LOVE peonies – my absolute FAVOURITE flower.
2) I LOVE a house not to look too ‘perfect’. Overstuffed chairs, lots of cushions, painted furniture, love worn antiques (or e-bay finds) are totally my thing.
3) As a result of ‘LOVE’ number 2 – I LOVE the British company Cabbages & Roses – I would happily buy up the whole shop!
4) I LOVE checks and stripes – particularly in faded pinks, reds and sage greens – in fact I think that I’m addicted.
5) I LOVE hardback books on interiors in particular – but interiors, fashion, historical biographies, art, photography – whatever – I love them all. (sadly, this extends to magazines, which means I have piles of them gathered around the house!)
6) I LOVE my new life in the Norfolk countryside.
7) I DISLIKE spiders – intensely – alas, not the most compatible thing when one moves to the Norfolk countryside!
Have a great day.