12 Jul 2010

Cosy Corner

Does every home have a cosy corner? Mine is in the drawing room, where I have my favourite comfy chair. ‘She’ is a Victorian buttonback that I had re-covered in an Ian Mankin red check around nine years ago, and ‘she’ holds a special place in my heart. I found ‘her’ in a dusty old odds and ends antique shop when I was on maternity leave with my first child, and ‘she’ served at first as a nursing chair. ‘She’s’ now my reading, daydreaming and ‘music listening’ chair (as far away from the television, playstation, Wii and children’s paraphenalia as it can possibly be!) and I still absolutely adore ‘her’. In fact I feel quite jealous when anyone else dares to sit in ‘her’ – irrational I know! Does anyone else harbour jealous thoughts towards a piece of furniture?

However…recently, when contemplating the drawing room, my mind has wandered towards the idea of adding a pair of Georgian style wingback chairs covered in either white or ivory.

Something to add a bit of drama with imposingly high sides and studs!

I feel a bit guilty, because my old button back chair looks so quaint and cosy – so comfy and ‘cottagey’ compared to these magnificent and imposing creatures…

I’m hoping that, when I eventually find my twin ‘dignitaries’, they’ll live in harmony with my beloved red checked button with ‘her’ plump curves and cosy pattern …

But if they look down their noses and cause her any trouble – they’ll have me to answer to!

The Diaries

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